Sarah serves in the Pico-Union Westlake area of Los Angeles, a densely populated neighborhood where many Central American immigrants start a new life. By getting to know the children, helping them with their schoolwork and providing an alternative to joining gangs, the S.A.Y. Yes! Center comes alongside families as they face change and language learning.
S.A.Y. Yes! Centers holistically support children who have needs in their communities. Leaders provide academic help, food, recreational activities and biblical content.
Along with the center in the Pico-Union Westlake area, the ministry works with local churches in 37 cities across the U.S., in addition to international locations, and it also emphasizes mentoring relationships. Those involved take part in children’s and families’ lives with the goal of guiding them practically and spiritually, one step at a time.
As you notice the needs of those in your community, how can you use the passions God has given you and serve holistically?
For insight as you ponder this question, see ways you can reach those around you or learn more about S.A.Y. Yes! Centers.